How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League

4. Aquaman

batman defeats justice league
DC Comics

While Aquaman in most media is lauded as a bit of a dorky pushover, it's worth noting that - as funny as those jokes can be - he is a legitimate threat. Man has serious superstrength, power over the oceans, and an ability to get all those creepy sea creatures from the depths to attach themselves to your terrified face.

Unfortunately for Aquaman, though, what he also is happens to be a guy with some very exploitable weaknesses - most crucially, dehydration, which Batman has either planned to exploit or actively exploited throughout the years.

In Tower of Babel, it's revealed that Bats had developed an unusual strain of Scarecrow's fear toxin, that Batman had tampered with so that when Aquaman was exposed to it, it would make him afraid of water - which obviously creates a pretty big problem for the dude.

After being shamed for having created such a terrible thing to defeat his supposed friend, Batman would then go on to reveal some years later that his custom Justice Buster (also built to possibly defeat the Justice League if needs be) came with magnesium carbonate. What did this do? Well, it sucks all the moisture out of whatever it's shot at, like perhaps Aquaman - which you'll note is the exact same thing, but apparently way more moral.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.