How Batman Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League

3. Wonder Woman

batman defeats justice league
DC Comics

Wonder Woman is ostensibly one of the most difficult member of the Justice League to take down should she go rogue, because the lady simply loves to fight too much to likely be appeased. Whereas with Superman a nice apple pie and a friendly smile might be enough to soften him, Diana needs a mountain of blood and slain enemies - and those are slightly harder to come by.

Hilariously, this desire for battle is exactly what Batman would use against her in the now infamous Tower of Babel storyline, which saw him dispose of her by trapping her in a simulation where she was locked in constant combat, and too preoccupied with it to notice she was stuck in a big violent version of The Sims.

This isn't the only route Bats would likely take in order to fell his former comrade, however, as Justice League: Doom saw him choose to poison Wonder Woman, which suggests a good old fashioned dose of deadly substances would also be a possible way to fell her.


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