How The Flash Would Defeat Each Member Of The Justice League
4. Zatanna
Like the Speed Force, Magic is one of the elemental forces of the universe and one of the great equalizers in most superhero fights. Superman, who is arguably one of the most powerful beings on the planet, is particularly susceptible to magical attacks. If a magic-user like Zatanna does something to Flash’s legs, makes it impossible for him to gain the traction needed to run, or magically severs his connection to the Speed Force, the fight is pretty much over for the Scarlet Speedster.
One of the limitations of Zatanna’s magic is that she has to speak her backward spells verbally. It could be as simple as “Pots!” but she still needed the time to say it (or write it in her own blood on a few occasions). Until she can unleash her considerable magical powers, Zee is just a woman with some hand-to-hand fighting skills but no other external defenses, unless she has prepared a protective spell beforehand, which would mean she was expecting an attack.
All Flash needs to do is stop Zatanna from speaking. This could be accomplished by simply catching Zee by surprise and knocking her out or running around her quickly and cutting off her oxygen supply briefly. Or a far less kind option would be to take a page out of Deathstroke’s playbook and punch her in the spleen, causing her to projectile vomit and thus would be unable to speak for a while.