Legion Of Super-Heroes: 5 Things You Need To Know

2. They're Pals With Superman

Speaking of Superman, the Legion's history is inextricably entwined with that of the Man Of Steel. Their first appearance was a team-up with Superboy (exactly what it sounds like, Clark Kent doing his superhero thang before he's of the legal drinking age), as the group travelled back in time from the 30th century to meet the legendary hero who had inspired their formation in the first place. Since then Superboy was awarded membership and met up with the Legion on numerous occasions, with his series eventually being re-branded Superboy Starring The Legion of Super-Heroes, as he remained in the future on a more permanent basis and lead the team on their various missions across the galaxy, getting a handle on his own powers and so much-needed practice in the art of taking down bad guys in the process. Superboy is so integral to the title that its last adaptation to another form of media - the mostly forgotten 2006 animated Legion Of Super Heroes series - had him front and centre again, with the familiar S shield right there in the show's logo. What remains to be seen is how this'll be integrated into the Superman DC have set up in the latest movie iteration, who didn't adopt his alter ego until he was a grown ass man, and who doesn't seem to have a lot of time in his life for frivolity and travelling into the future to punch UFOs out of the sky. Will we just have to deal with these tonal shifts, or will Superman not appear at all, suggesting that Legion will also take place in a separate "universe" to Man Of Steel and Dawn Of Justice, as Shazam reportedly will too? We don't know, we're just wildly speculating. We hope you didn't come here for facts. About the films anyway.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/