Marvel's Fresh Start: 8 Reasons To Be Concerned
Yeah, because THIS time it'll be different...

Marvel are relaunching their comics again. Quelle surprise.
Although Marvel Legacy only launched back in August, the folks over at the House of Ideas have decided that another relaunch is called for, one that hammers home a 'new beginning' to bring in readers that have slowly drifted away from the publisher's books in recent years.
Despite promising something else entirely, the ironically titled 'Fresh Start' actually looks to be more of the same; this is the sixth successive relaunch the company have pushed since 2010, and while the unveiling of two new creative teams did accompany the announcement (Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness on Avengers, Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman on Venom), the lingering impression is that this all feels just a little too familiar.
Marvel did not have a good 2017, so it makes sense to try and reinvigorate their brand going forward. In that sense, yes, the basis for 'A Fresh Start' is actually pretty solid - more so than the previous relaunches in the company's catalogue. The problem this time is that it's a reboot too many, with retailers and fans alike having vocally bemoaned Marvel's annualised refreshers as one cause of the company's ostensible decline.
It might want to be a fresh start, but this relaunch is anything but.