Next Batman Film: 10 Obscure Classic Comics We Want To See On Screen

2. Tower of Babel (JLA 43-46)

9f_56943_0_JLA44TowerOfBabelPartTwoOfFour Ra's al Ghul has figured out a way to take down civilization: eliminate communication. However, before enacting his plot, Ra's sends his daughter, Talia, to steal certain documents from Batman: a list of strategies on how to subdue--even kill--every member of the Justice League. Batman is the world's greatest detective. It is known that, given enough prep time, Batman can take down just about anyone. Tower of Babel, however, is a darker look at this. Batman has a contingency plan for everything. The question remains, though, whether or not the JLA can trust someone who secretly plots ways to kill them all. Ignoring the deeper implications of the story, the arc is just all around cool. Ra's al Ghul is at his finest here, and Batman's worldview is examined. Plus, you get definitive proof that Batman can and will beat everyone. You're probably wondering what can top this. I must warn you that what follows might very well be one of the greatest Batman stories ever...and perhaps his darkest...
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?