Sinestro Corps: 10 Non-DC Characters Who Could Wear The Yellow Ring Of Fear

10. Scare Glow (Masters Of The Universe)

scareglow Scare Glow€™s power is to make his opponents tremble in his wake. What more could possibly be required to join a corps whose criteria is that their members must have the ability to instil fear in their opponents? Although he was rarely seen in the He-Man universe, Scare Glow showed in his brief appearances that he was capable of terrifying even the most powerful and heroic of foes. Even Prince Adam was terrified under his glow - so much so, in fact, that he was paralysed to the extent that he couldn't transform in to He-Man. That fact alone makes Scare Glow eligible to wield a yellow ring of fear.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.