Spider-Man: 10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Miles Morales

5. His Uncle Became The Iron Spider

Spider-Man Spider-Woman
Marvel Comics

From enforcer to cat burglar to supervillain, Miles' uncle, Aaron Davis, has been a criminal for as long as he can remember. He may have been nothing more than a petty crook in his early years, but he has become a genuine threat to the superhuman community recently.

When we are first introduced to Davis, he went by the alias the Prowler. His Prowler suit can withstand almost any firearm projectile, scale walls, and allow the wearer to glide.

Eventually, he bought an armoured spider-suit off the black market and became the Iron Spider. This outfit enhances the wearer so they have similar powers to Spider-Man.

On top of that, it has stingers, metallic waldoes, a glider, enhanced lenses, and many other applications. Davis didn't just upgrade his look but his ambition. He reformed the Sinister Six, had the group infiltrate SHIELD, and took over an entire helicarrier.

After Mayor Wilson Fisk wiped his criminal record, Davis sold his Iron Spider tech to Tony Stark and told Miles he was going straight. Of course, it wasn't long before Miles' uncle broke this promise and went back to his old ways, as it seems like he just can't escape his criminal past.


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