The Doctor Who Figurine Collection - Issue 1 Review

The Magazine

Doctor Who Figurine The magazine accompanying the figurine has many parts. First of all I can't help noticing the front cover has Matt Smith standing in front of Stone Henge (a la 'The Pandorica Opens') with a Blazing Squad stance? Funny! The first page explains the stance of the figurine and what is happening in the scene at that moment. Pages 4-5 describe The Eleventh Doctor's trademark look and where the inspiration comes from. Matt Smith apparently had a lot of input into his costume design, taking the idea of the tweed jacket from a young Albert Einstein. The theme carries on over onto page 6 with the motivation behind the braces, shirt, boots and even the decision behind his watch. Next comes the passion for hats and the multiple head wear The Eleventh Doctor has donned over his time in the TARDIS (The TopHat, The Tricorn and of course The Fez). Over on the next few pages is a summary of the episode which inspired the figurine and the cast and crew explaining the build up and behind the scenes filming. Carried on is the theme for the episode showing some of the members of 'The Alliance' including the Cybermen and the Silurians. Onto pages 12-13 we are transported back to 1963 and the very first episode of Doctor Who. Here we are invited to look how the show was brought around, right up until the first episodes release. Also we see what else was happening in the world around that time. The TARDIS is the main focus of the next two pages with details about how the machine came about, details on the control room and even tips on how to fly one (if you ever get the chance). Overleaf we find out what the TARDIS is really capable of, with a look at why it could destroy the universe, how The Master used for his own means and jargon from previous Doctor's trying to explain the machines impossible functions. Next we go to a page with questions that apparently answers fans niggling questions about the episode 'The Pandorica Opens'. I'm not 100% sure where the answers came from but they seem to know their stuff. Finally there is a page long bio of the shows writer extraordinaire Steven Moffat. Looking back at some of the episode he wrote during Russell T Davies reign and his rise to power. Mag This magazine is a fantastic, informative and cleverly produced read that would make any collector (Whovian or not) want to read more. Hopefully each magazine that follows will be as interesting as this premier. I'd give the mag 4.5/5.

I'm Liam, I'm 28 from Ilkeston, Derbyshire. I love to travel to new places and experience new things. I'm a massive bookworm and serial nerd. I love music, film & TV. Basically I want to go everywhere and do everything, that's my aim!!!