The Runaways: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

7. Chase Stein

Runaways Marvel
Marvel Comics

Chase is another member of the Runaways who does not have any powers, although he does have an aptitude for analysing and constructing machinery, through this, Chase utilises gauntlet-based gadgets called Fistigons that can shoot flames and other projectiles. He is often the driver of commandeered cars, trucks or vans, and pilot of the Runaway's Leapfrog vehicle.

He is one of two people to have shared a psychic bond with Old Lace and happens to be the oldest of the Runaways. Being the oldest, Chase is the reluctant father-figure of the group and shares a romantic relationship with Gert which sees the two act as the group's stand-in guardians.

In the years after Gert's death it's revealed that Chase has been tampering with their parents' time-travel technology in order to go back in time and save her life. From this, he tries to instigate a reunion of all of the members and dedicates himself to rebuilding fellow Runaway and android, Victor Mancha.


Gary has been reading Marvel Comics since he was 6 years old. Rather than retain knowledge on things such as Maths or Science - he chose to become a sponge for most things Marvel. He has a longstanding grudge against Iron Man he has harbored since Civil War(2006).