The Walking Dead: 10 Comic Moments That Went Too Far
You think the TV show took it too far? You should see the comics.

The Walking Dead is often cited as being one of the most gruesome and dark TV shows currently on air, and while this is true, it's actually quite tame in comparison to its comic counterpart.
Having recently come to an end, The Walking Dead comic series contains one hundred and ninety-three issues (not including one-offs) that don't have to worry about passing different rating boards. Because of this, The Walking Dead comics go into some dark territories.
Nothing is off the table with the comic series. It doesn't matter who you are, you're constantly at risk of a pretty horrific death at anytime. The series really goes out of its way to explore all different types of madness that you would see in a true post apocalyptic America, rarely holding back.
While this is all in service to the story that writer Robert Kirkman wanted to tell, there are still quite a few times where things were taken a bit too far.
Some of these scenes have been translated onto the show, but even then they were toned down. The others were simply too dark or risky to actually put on air. And to be honest, it's probably for best it stays that way.
10. Lydia's Eye-hole Obsession

This is pretty high up on this list because it isn't anywhere near as bad as some of the other stuff from this series, but it is definitely worth mentioning.
After getting to know Lydia, Carl begins to form a good friendship with her that leads to a romance. But to Carl's and the reader's surprise, Lydia actually had a thing for Carl's missing eye and subsequent wound, going as far to call it sexy.
As if the sequence of events leading up to this wasn't bad enough, we then get some great art from Charlie Adlard depicting Lydia licking Carl's eye wound. It's honestly gross.
It was just really weird to have to read, and made many readers understandably uncomfortable. Look at Carl in that panel! He seems terrified.
While Lydia did come from a cult of skin wearing murders, Kirkman could have probably just left it at Lydia calling the eye sexy. It does seem to work on Carl though, as they eventually end up pursuing a relationship together.