The Walking Dead: 10 Comic Moments That Went Too Far

9. Introduction Of The Whisperers

The Walking Dead Comic Lydia
Image Comics

After everything that had happened with Negan, it seemed like our group of survivors would finally get a chance to thrive after all the conflict. While this was true for a short time, eventually the next antagonist of the series was introduced.

The Whisperers, a cult like group that wears the skin of the undead to blend in with the walkers. They're lead by Alpha and operate with a tribe like system.

The Whisperers were a great introduction as they bought back the horror to The Walking Dead, making every encounter with a walker a possible Whisperer encounter.

But that doesn't distract from the fact that the group are really quite grim when you think about it. The smell they radiate must be unbearable. Everything they do in the name of keeping strong seems to inflict trauma onto themselves and others.

To the surprise of many fans The Whisperers have actually made it to the show and many of the gory details aren't being ignored. This has proved to make the Whisperers very popular amongst the TV fans. Maybe this suggests that AMC should just keep loyal to the fantastic source material?


Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.