The Walking Dead: 15 Most Shocking Comics Moments
What were the most shocking moments from Robert Kirkman's comic?

In most post-apocalyptic pieces of fiction, fans are invited to place themselves into the protagonist’s shoes, and it's fair to say that many believe they would survive and be just peachy. The Walking Dead leaves no one under any such illusion.
Instead, Robert Kirkman’s shocking gore-fest leaves fans emotionally and psychologically in tatters as they witness almost endless depravity and brutality befall the protagonists with frightening regularity.
While some of you may think the show adapted the darkest and most shocking moments of Kirkman’s comics, you would be mistaken. Some shocking moments have been altered, some have been watered down and others completely omitted.
It was a series almost completely built off the idea that no one was safe, and the fact it's continued to shock readers at nearly 200-issues-long is no easy feat. It's what's cemented the comic as being such an iconic part of the industry landscape for the last decade, aided in part by the monumental success of AMC's TV show, as well as Telltale's The Walking Dead video games.
There are MAJOR SPOILERS from now on, so if you're still reading Kirkman's comic and don't want any spoilers, best look away now...
15. The Governor Rapes Michonne

The Governor was TWD's first human antagonist and Kirkman did not hold back, displaying all the sickest human tendencies the survivors would face in this new apocalyptic world. After capturing Rick and Michonne the Governor begins to carry out perverse mental and physical torture on them for his own amusement.
In the show it is hinted that the Governor will rape Andrea, but in the comic he doesn’t just tease it, he does it. After sadistically torturing Michonne the Governor proceeds to rape her for information on their settlement.
While this is sick, the Governor ratchets up the sadism even further by then forcing Glen in to the cell next to Michonne, where he then rapes and tortures her again, forcing Glen to listen to every horrifying moment of it.