The Walking Dead: 15 Most Shocking Comics Moments

2. Sebastian Kills Rick

The Walking Dead Rick
Image Comics

Was it Negan, Alpha, Or one of the other dozen or so villains Rick Grimes has tangled with over the years? No… it was a snot nosed brat called Sebastian who petulantly killed Rick for ruining the comfort and ease he had been enjoying in the Commonwealth.

Sebastian is the son of Pamela Milton, who had placed herself as Governor of the Commonwealth, an Ohio-based camp of survivors. He was a spoiled brat who bullies and throws tantrums when he cannot have his own way and revelled in the power his mother wields. That all changed when Rick arrived and eventually dethroned Pamela, thereby spoiling everything for Sebastian.

Sebastian then broke in to Rick’s home, and after confronting him for ruining his life, he shot Rick point blank in the chest. That’s right, Rick Grimes was killed by a petulant brat having a temper tantrum who had only been introduced less than twenty issues earlier.

To say this was shocking is an understatement. After everything Rick had survived and how close he had come to seeing democracy and peace, his life was ended in such a throwaway manner.


Imran Iqbal hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.