The Walking Dead: 15 Most Shocking Comics Moments

1. Carl's Happily Ever After

The Walking Dead Rick
Image Comics

The Walking Dead comics have finally drawn to a close after a whopping 192 issues. They ended in what might be the most shocking way this story could have - with a happy ending.

Carl is all grown up and has a daughter of his own. The walkers still exist but are no longer a threat to civilisation. Democracy and order are in place and the world has begun to move on. There is even a statue of Rick erected in the town square.

In fact, the whole thing wraps up with Carl taking his daughter, named Andrea after his beloved step mother, and reading her a bed time story about the trials Rick Grimes faced in bringing peace and love back to the world.

After all the horror, depravity and wickedness, there are few who would have thought The Walking Dead would end with such a touching heartfelt moment in which one of our main characters had found long lasting peace and hope. What could be more shocking than that?


Imran Iqbal hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.