Thor: 10 Mortals Who Wielded Asgard's Weapons
2. Daredevil
If you know anything about Asgard, then you know that it isn't the easiest place to get to. Asgardians rely on the god Heimdall to get them to and from their home via the magical Bifrost. But how does Heimdall summon the Bifrost, I hear you non-Thor fans ask?
It's Norse mythology, how do you THINK he does it?
He uses a sword named Hofund, one of the mightiest blades in the Marvel universe. And at one point, the sword was wielded by Daredevil.
During the War of the Realms storyline, Heimdall lost the use of his eyes and, needing someone to command the Bifrost in his stead, he gave it to Daredevil.
In true Daredevil fashion, he doesn't have it for five minutes before he has to fight a whole bunch of villains with it. He's at least nice enough to guide Heimdall back home after repairing the Bifrost for him, at which point Hofund then moves on to Sif, who is now the current commander of the Bifrost.