Venom: 8 Most Powerful Symbiotes

7. Scorn

Venom Planet of Symbiotes
Marvel Comics

Carnage is bad enough, but when the Carnage symbiote started shooting off his own spawn? Yeah, bad news all around.

But fortunately, a lot of his kids eventually came around. One of whom is Scorn, bonded to Dr. Tanis Nieves as a result of trying to weaponize a then captured Carnage symbiote.

When that went about as well as you think it did, Tanis was left with a symbiote that was born as a direct hybrid of Symbiote biology and human technology. This somehow gives Scorn the ability to interface with almost any computer on the planet. Which makes her a very valuable asset to SHIELD when Carnage crops back up during the American Carnage Maxi-Series.

On top of the usual abilities gifted by a symbiote, the ability to interface with almost any piece of technology gives Scorn an edge in battle that other, more straight forward symbiotes, simply don't have.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?