What Could The Joker Have In Store for Death Of The Family?

Alfred Pennyworth

He may not be a public Bat-family member but he's sure a hell a key part of it. If The Joker gets to Alfred then Batman has more to worry about than Gotham. Joker would be peeking behind the curtain of the Batman secrets and if he figures out Alfred is connected, we're in for a whole world of hurt. Chances Of Getting Killed: I'm on the fence with this one. On one side Joker killing Alfred would be huge and imply a bigger problem for Bruce Wayne's secret identity. It's a bold move to have Joker know the Bat-secret. The other side of the argument is that this is genuinely a hard hitting move from Snyder. Alfred keeps everyone together. He really is the mother of the Bat-family and to lose him would be a massive knife through the Bat-relations. There would be no one to calm the tempers of Bruce and Dick. No one to treat Damian like the kid he is, no one to send Christmas cards or simply make sure the Bat-clan stay in touch out of the costumes. I don't want to see Alfred killed off but imagine how massive that would be. Shock Value: This would be shocking on two levels. One it's Alfred and seeing this character get hurt would be awful and two if The Joker gets to Alfred he's found out way more about who The Batman is than is safe for Bruce Wayne. Click "next" for the final part...

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