What Happened Every Time The Thing Fought The Hulk?
7. Fantastic Four #112
It tells you a lot about how much readers loved seeing these two go at it that at this point they knew they just had to have them charging at each other on the cover, and it would sell. Didn't even bother with a background - after all, it's not like WHERE they fight is ever important.
This issue was where the Hulk got his third round revenge against his bitter rival, in a blowout fight that lasts from front to back of the entire comic. And this comic makes you truly understand the difference in strength between Ben and Bruce.
While the Thing's adaptability, level headedness, and being roommates with a woman who can explode your head with a thought have helped him eke out wins in the past, this time it's just him vs Hulk, and no matter what he throws at the jade giant, nothing so much as slows him down.
It seems Ben is about to win when he gets out of the Hulk's chokehold and goes in hard, but the debris caused by their fight almost hits Ben's eternal love interest Alicia Masters, distracting him just long enough for the Hulk to secure his victory with a near fatal hook to the face.