What Happened To All The Lantern Corps?

1. White Lantern Corps

Hal Jordan Green Lantern Corps Kyle Rayner Guy Gardner John Stewart
DC Comics

The White Lantern Corps - despite quite literally being the embodiment of life - are surprisngly less heroic than you might expect.

They're led by Entity, the physical embodiment of life and creation, who joins with Sinestro to defeat Nekron and the Black Lanterns in Blackest Night. While that sounds heroic enough, especially due to Entity bringing Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and many others back to life to become White Lanterns, it still doesn't make him entirely heroic.

Because in the aftermath of this, Entity resurrects Aquaman, Firestorm, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkman and Hawkwoman, just to kill them again - after they've overcome whatever held them back in life, and powered up the White Lantern Ring a little more. It's a practical move, sure, but one clearly made to show that the White Lanterns aren't the embodiment of good - they're just the embodiment of life.

Currently, Deadman is the only character to possess a White Lantern ring, but technically anyone who's ever been made one of the corps still is, and may be summoned a such should Entity need to assemble another crew.

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Lantern Corps DC
DC Comics

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