What Happened To All The Lantern Corps?

2. Black Lantern Corps

Hal Jordan Green Lantern Corps Kyle Rayner Guy Gardner John Stewart
DC Comics

Essentially the goths of the Lantern Corps, the Black Lantern Rings are given to powerful beings who die by Nekron, DC's physical embodiment of death, and symbolise the physical and emotions absence of life within these individuals. Those wearing the rings are possessed with the desire to take the hearts of those who would be most emotional about their return to life, in order to generate enough power to bring Nekron from the Land of the Unliving into their universe.

As the faction of the corps wishing the extinguish life itself, it should come as no surprise that the Black Lanterns have come into conflict with the various other Corps many times.

The most pronounced of these occasions comes in Blackest Night, wherein Nekron makes good on plans he's been making since the Sinestro Wars to claim a Guardian for his own, and raise up the likes of Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman to be Black Lanterns.

While Nekron's physical body is destroyed by Sinestro, he then merely inhabits the closest Black Lantern, showing that even when you beat the Black Lanterns, you can never destroy them.


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