What Happened To All The Lantern Corps?

6. Ultraviolet Corps

Hal Jordan Green Lantern Corps Kyle Rayner Guy Gardner John Stewart
DC Comics

The Ultraviolet Lanterns - in a move perhaps fitting for the champions of unseen light - are the most enigmatic of the Lantern Corps thus far. We know the Corps is led by a sentient sun, named Umbrax, and we know that they have domain over the 'invisible emotion spectrum', but other than that the majority of the details of the Indigo Tribe are ambiguous.

Our experience of the secretive Corps, however, is unashamedly badass, with John Stewart being mind controlled by Umbrax to try and take down the entire Justice League.

While this attempt fails, it does let us know our final tasty fact about the Ultraviolet Lanterns, as we learn from this encounter that - without external interference - Umbrax actually controls the minds of those who take the Ultraviolet Lantern ring, meaning the Corps are essentially a way to expand Umbrax's powers.

There's ample room for expansion into the lore of the Ultraviolet Corps, so with a little bit of luck we may get a further look into what appears to be a particularly interesting faction of the Corps themselves.


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