What Happened To Every Version Of The Hulk?

1. Worldbreaker Hulk

Hulk Joe Fixit
Marvel Comics

While the Green Scar refers to himself as the 'Worldbreaker Hulk' in World War Hulk, it seems more feasible to say that this version of the Hulk is a separate entity, as this form and its powers have been used outside of the World War Hulk storyline - most notably at the end of the Incredible Hulks series, which sees Hulk yet again unleash the full, terrifying potential of his abilities.

Because the Worldbreaker Hulk is, for all intents and purposes, just the Hulk with nothing held back - as the creature naturally radiates gamma radiation, which Banner usually keeps controlled on Earth in order to not hurt anyone. But in circumstances where there's no alternative, the Worldbreaker comes out, to full catastrophic effect.

All of Bruce Banner's concerns about the damage the Hulk could carry out if left unchecked are shown to be true through the Worldbreaker - proving the Hulk is without doubt one of the most powerful characters in Marvel's roster.

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The Incredible Hulk
Marvel Studios

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