What Happened To Everyone Who Became Heralds Of Galactus?

3. Johnny Storm

Galactus Johnny Storm Herald
Marvel Comics

The second-most famous person to become Galactus' Herald, Johnny Storm took on the role after Galactus was resurrected. The Devourer of Worlds had discovered a conspiracy to hide suitable planets from his view, and so it fell to Johnny - this time switching powers with his sister, the Invisible Woman - to bear the responsibility as his Herald.

Sue had previously been tasked with hiding these planets, but in the brief moment where their powers are switched Galactus pounces, forcing Johnny to use his sister's powers to de-cloak the hidden worlds.

As the saga continues, Johnny attempts to reason with his new master. He dillies and dallies to buy time for a given planet, and while he understands that Galactus is a natural part of the cosmos, he also understands that he was once a human too, who went by the name of Galan. The rest of the Four soon come to his rescue, and Johnny - tapping into his newfound abilities - uses the Power Cosmic to essentially tear Galactus down to his original, human form.

The Four then spend their time trying to essentially rehabilitate the erstwhile planet eater, but Galan is all too aware of the fact the power of Galactus is still searching him out, and so resolves to exile himself from Earth for good.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.