What Happened To Everyone Who Became Heralds Of Galactus?

7. Terrax The Tamer

Terrax Galactus
Marvel Comics

By this point in time Galactus had discovered a recurring problem in most of his Heralds, and it was that they were too sympathetic to the planets they discovered. With this in mind, the Devourer of Worlds endeavours to recruit a being cruel enough to find the task of dooming entire planets neither here nor there, and so comes across Terrax the Tamer as a result.

A malevolent dictator hailing from the planet Lanlak, Tyros found his way to Galactus by way of the Fantastic Four, who had promised to incapacitate the tyrant in return for Galactus helping them with a cosmic quandary of their own. The Four succeed, and Tyros, now renamed Terrax, is outfitted with the Power Cosmic.

He finds his abilities to alter rock greatly enhanced, is given a suit that can cope with the pressures of space, and even gets to wield a sweet cosmic axe that could both cut and project cosmic energy.

Nevermind the fact that Terrax basically looks like Darkseid in the midst of a major wardrobe malfunction, the character actually ended up being one of Galactus' most accomplished Heralds... right up until he decided to betray him, of course.

Dazzler Galactus Herald
Marvel Comics

Who would Galactus empower to take down Terrax? The mutant known as Dazzler, of course! Terrax was thusly imprisoned, and Galactus once again embarked on his task of finding a worthy accomplice to satiate his appetite...

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.