What Happened To Everyone Who Became Heralds Of Galactus?

6. Nova

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Marvel Comics/Jim Cheung

Coming to the second most famous of Galactus' Heralds now, with Frankie Raye nearing even the Surfer in terms of synonymy with Marvel's purple giant.

The original Nova, Raye bargained with Galactus to spare the Earth and, much like the Surfer had done over a century earlier, offered her own services as his new Herald in return.

Raye had previously dated Johnny Storm, and was related to the scientist that created the original android Human Torch during the Second World War. A childhood accident then gifted Raye with similar abilities, which were augmented when Galactus gifted her with the Power Cosmic.

For a while, Raye was unperturbed about leading Galactus to inhabited planets to feast upon, until a chance encounter with the Silver Surfer convinced her otherwise. Following a brief romantic fling with the Surfer, Raye then decided to leave Galactus altogether, eventually developing into her own cosmic hero along similar lines to Norrin Radd, but not before she partook in one of the great lost tales of Marvel history - the Last Galactus Story.

Raye was killed by Galactus' next Herald, but later returned in 2010 to join the Fearless Defenders; again, much the same way the Surfer did years earlier.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.