What Happened To Everyone Who Joined The Superman Family?

3. Kong Kenan

Superman Family
DC Comics

When you're an icon like Superman, people pay attention to everything you say and do. So it's no surprise that countries like China hear "Truth, justice and the AMERICAN way" and think, "Hmm, this guy might not be on our side when the chips are down" - and try to remedy that by making their own Superman with blackjack and hookers.

The lucky bastard chosen for this was Kong Kenan, a young man living in Shanghai who was recruited by the government into the Superman of China project when he impressed one of their agents by defending his bullying victim (yeah, Kenan has some... issues) from a supervillain. They imbued Kenan with the life force of the Man of Steel, who was dead at the time.

While giving a schoolyard bully the powers of Superman himself would be a plan destined for disaster in any other scenario, in Kenan's case, the power and responsibility - as well as the influence of Superman after he was revived for the millionth time and tracked down his Chinese counterpart - helped him mature greatly into the hero China needs.

We haven't seen much of him - since Superman distaff counterparts have always done poorly in their solo series, and there's no reason Kenan should be an exception to this - but we occasionally do hear out of him, and hopefully we'll see much more out of the Superman of China in the future.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?