What Happened To Everyone Who Used A Lazarus Pit?

5. Lady Shiva

Ra's al Ghul Lazarus Pit
DC Comics

Like mother, like daughter.

There’s no definitive moment shown in-panel of Lady Shiva taking a plunge in a Lazarus Pit, yet the common belief is that Shiva must have done so at some point.

After having her neck broken by the Pit-resurrected Cassandra Cain, Shiva was left to die. Having been paralysed due to said neck snap, the villain was picked up by Cass and taken over to the same Lazarus Pit that had just been used to bring Batgirl back to life. For her part, however, Lady Shiva pleaded with her daughter to not put her in the Pit.

In response to this, Cassandra impaled Shiva on a hook that hung over the Lazarus Pit. It was left ambiguous as to whether this was done as a way to kill her mother or merely designed so that Lady Shiva would eventually fall into the Lazarus Pit and be healed. Either way, the fast-forward arc of One Year Later confirmed that Shiva was indeed alive and had seemingly shook off the effects of the battle with her daughter - presumably after a soak in the Lazarus Pit.

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