What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

7. Andi Benton

Venom character
Marvel Comics

In one of the more surreal symbiote exchanges, Flash Thompson mistakenly gives his neighbor the Mania symbiote - thinking it to be just a small portion of Venom that would give her limited powers and protect her, instead of Venom's newly created symbiote child.

Instead, Mania fully bonds onto Andi, and would allow her to fight crime in Flash's stead when the man went missing. Andi would eventually lose the symbiote, but would keep the sweet dark magic powers she got on her journeys - which would both save her from danger, and make her a target.

Andrea has also shown signs of being able to trace her symbiote based on the remnants of it left in her blood, meaning that the two theoretically could rejoin at any time.


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