What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

6. Doctor Octopus

Venom character
Marvel Comics

When Otto Octavius took over Spider-Man's body during the Superior Spider-Man storyline, he naturally used this to his full advantage - which logically included making himself Venom's host.

While the symbiote could sense something was amiss with the hero, even his increasingly violent actions wouldn't show the alien that Peter Parker's body had been possessed by Doctor Octopus - and neither did anyone else, as all of Spider-Man's vicious behaviour would be blamed on Venom itself.

This conflict would lead to Venom totally taking control of Spider-Man's body after succumbing to rage about its situation - only to be expelled from the hero's body by the remnants of Peter Parker still within it.

The symbiote would return to Flash, informing him of the strange situation he had encountered with 'Peter Parker' and his seemingly evil intentions.


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