What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

1. Malekith

Venom character
Marvel Comics

While the various symbiotes have flitted around between various hosts since Malekith held the symbiote, it tends to flit between old hosts as of late, meaning that the dark elf is technically the last person the Venom symbiote bonded with.

During the War of the Realms series, Malekith fought Venom, defeated him, and then realised his usefulness, crafting the symbiote into a dagger when it refused to join the villain's side.

While Malekith didn't wear Venom, he did wield it, using the beast the mortally wound the Norse God Freyja. That said, this reign of murder doesn't last long, as Thor Odinson regains his ability to wield Mjolnir just to beat the villain down.

Malekith's fate would be not to die, but instead to be tortured by watching as the Gods turn his child self to the side of good, in a fitting fate for the character.

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