What Happened To Everyone Who Wore A Symbiote?

18. Peter Parker

Venom character
Marvel Comics

Perhaps the most famous holder of the symbiote aside from Eddie Brock, Peter Parker was the first person we ever saw wear the symbiote - although in the actual Marvel universe he was not the first to hold it.

In the first Battleworlds series, we see Peter take the symbiote in order to repair his clothing, remaining totally unaware of Venom's true nature for some considerable time.

When Parker did uncover that his new swanky suit was actually alive, he naturally attempted to get rid of it. This proved effective in the long term, as it would would only provoke Venom into trying to possess Spider-Man once more, as it considered him the perfect human host.

Much of Venom's arc from this point would mark him trying to regain Peter as a host, until he eventually settled down with the symbiote's third host, Eddie Brock - although Spider-Man and Venom would still flit between working together and fight each other continuously.


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