Why Miguel O'Hara Is Marvel's Most Important Hispanic Character

1. His Nuances Represent A More Complex Demographic

Spider Man 2099
Marvel Comics

A common theme throughout this article has been the fact that Miguel O'Hara is a unique character, in that he tends to eschew many of the norms and stereotypes typically associated with Hispanic characters.

He is undeniably proud of his heritage, but he isn't solely defined by it. He has a unique identity beyond the family he was born into. And therein lies why Miguel ultimately has to be considered Marvel's most important Latino superhero.

Hispanic culture, much like most cultures, is filled with people who don't always feel like they fit in. Maybe their skin is a bit lighter or a bit darker than that of most of their friends. Maybe they don't speak Spanish as well as their peers or family members. Maybe they would rather not attend Sunday mass. Maybe their tastes in music and movies are different than those of everyone they grew up with. Maybe they're told they "aren't Mexican enough" or something to that effect because of these things and feel alienated from their own culture as a result.

Miguel represents Hispanic people, but also represents this more nuanced demographic of lost souls. His story teaches them that they can be proud of their heritage, while also not feeling obligated to conform to everything that is expected from other people of that heritage, be it the stereotypes perpetuated by others or the conventions imposed by friends and family.

And, at the end of the day, that's what representation is all about, isn't it? Embracing what makes us similar, while also celebrating what makes us different in the hope that everyone can feel comfortable being who they are.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.