10 Creepiest Horror Movie Posters Of All Time

3. Evil Dead

Pulse Poster
New Line Cinema

Sami Raimi’s ‘80s horror classic has a simple poster which doesn’t hint at the bizarreness of the film. For example, that tree scene which has scarred viewers for nearly four decades. Unlike the comedic sequels, The Evil Dead’s first outing is pure horror, introducing viewers to horror icon and future series protagonist, Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell).

The poster features model Bridget Hoffman grasping at the air, struggling out of a makeshift grave. However, a zombie hand firmly grips her throat. It represents the movie’s title better than its content.

The violent supernatural image translates the struggle between life and death well. It excels in its details. The zombie arm’s rotted flesh and forearm bone are putrid. The detailed drawing of the victim adds to the struggle. Her white dress is ripped on one side and falling on the other. The violence inflicted shows in her wounded elbow and drips of blood from the corners of her mouth. Her grimy hands show the struggle of digging herself out of the grave.

The Evil Dead has a creepy poster on first sight. However, the more one studies the artwork the more disturbing aspects are revealed.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.