10 DC Comics Villains Who NEED To Face Robert Pattinson's Batman (And Who Should Play Them)

7. Jeffrey Dean Morgan As Two Face

Dave Bautista Bane
Warner Bros./DC Comics

Jeffrey Dean Morgan actually appeared in Batman vs. Superman in the role of Thomas Wayne, where he is killed in the opening title scene. A small role, especially considering the man's talents.

Often likened to Robert Downey Jr. both in looks and wit, JDM is a recognisable face and name both on the big and small screen. Having already appeared in Watchmen as The Comedian and also as the lead role of Clay in The Losers, Morgan is no stranger to comic book movie roles. But it is for his comic book TV role that we should make this casting happen.

As the beloved Negan, JDM has essentially become the main character of The Walking Dead. The notorious villain arrived at the end of season six, and in the season seven premiere he was involved in one of the most brutal scenes in the show's history. Since then, Negan has been a mainstay, evolving into an anti-hero that has kept a flagging show afloat.

Absolutely capable of playing a slick, fast talking, handsome good guy as well as a vicious, psychotic villain, Jeffrey Dean Morgan would bring a whole lot to the role of Harvey Dent, and unlike The Dark Knight, they could play his transformation out over a few movies to really nail his turn to the dark side.


A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!