10 Failed Horror Movies Without A Single Scary Moment

2. Cursed (2005)

Cursed I always thought it would be impossible for Wes Craven to create a movie without even a single genuine scare, and yet here exists a motion picture that goes against that logic entirely: it's called Cursed, stars Christina Ricci, a guy who used to be in Dawson's Creek, and a pre-famous Jesse Eisenberg. The premise is as follows: two people get attacked by a werewolf, and then they start to become werewolves, and that's about it, to be honest. If it's supposed to be scary, it super isn't. Failure comes down to the script, mostly, which was written by Scream's Kevin Williamson, although I'm entirely convinced that somebody else wrote it under his name, 'cause it's terrible. Whereas Williamson showed how attuned he was when it came to horror cliches in Scream and subverted them accordingly, for Cursed he just indulges in all of them with a care in the world - not for satire or parody, but for real. Craven brings nothing unique or special to the production... which is probably the scariest thing about it, actually.

All-round pop culture obsessive.