10 Famous Movies That Sold Themselves On Boobs Alone
9. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
The slasher movie genre has always been about two things: buxom ladies getting sliced up in horrible fashion, and buxom ladies narrowly avoiding getting sliced up in horrible fashion. But the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre largely failed to deliver on those two dictums, instead serving up the grotesque ugliness typically reserved for Adam Sandler productions. But the 2003 remake scrapped the gritty, disorienting nature of the original for a more palatable, slicked-back look at this family of murder and dismemberment enthusiasts... starring Jessica Biel in a skin-tight tank top! There was simply no way this new version was going to top the uncompromising creepiness or improve upon the twisted, black humor of the 1974 classic, so the directors went the other direction, assuring audiences that things wouldn't get toodisturbing before Jessica Biel would save the day in her ultra sheer tank top, which was inexplicably tied into a knot to show her belly button at all costs. Because when you're running from a man-baby wielding a chainsaw and wearing another man's face, it's important to showcase those abs!