10 Movie Characters Who Were SHAFTED In 2021

7. Mile Morales - Spider-Man: No Way Home

Hugo Weaving The Matrix

For those obsessed with seeing their Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man spin his web around the towering skyline of New York City, 2021 brought with it arguably the biggest celebration of all things Spidey yet.

Combining three entirely separate universes of Peter Parker together in bringing No Way Home into existence, the sight of Tom Holland's Spider-Man duking it out with Sony's rogues' gallery alongside his fellow web-slingers was enough to leave jaws slamming off cinema floors the world over.

For all that this MCU trilogy-ending multiverse mayhem delivered, though, it was hard to look past one notable missed opportunity in the form of another well-known Spidey not being given a chance to line up alongside his counterparts in this monumental movie. And though Jamie Foxx's Electro did allude to a "Black Spider-Man" during the flick, not having Mile Morales make his long-awaited MCU debut, be that in a brief cameo moment during the jam-packed super-smash or even post-credit spider-bite zinger perhaps, was enough to leave some shaking their heads at what could've been.

We know Miles is knocking around the MCU somewhere, we're just going to have to wait a little bit longer to see him in live action...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...