10 Movie Sequels That Just Copied The Original
1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
The trouble with fan service is that it has no effect upon the casual viewer, who judges the film by the strength of its story. When most of the story is lifted from another movie, what point does the film have other than to make money?
Consider the similarities with A New Hope: after coming into possession of a droid programmed with sensitive information, a kid is hunted by a brutal would-be dictator who denies his humanity, wears a mask and strangles his failed subordinates. This black-garbed villain is also readying a planet-sized weapon that can destroy entire worlds, prompting our heroes to launch an attack. Towards the end of the film, he strikes down an older character who knew him before he turned to the Dark Side.
As sequels go, The Force Awakens serves its brand well, setting up the characters and conflicts for the future instalments. It’s basically a series pilot writ large, one that’s burdened by its attempts to mimic its inspiration at every turn. Taken purely on story terms, it’s so insubstantial (and predictable) that it falls apart in front of your eyes.