10 Movies You Hate For The Wrong Reasons

7. Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation

Why You Hate It: Because Arnie only appears in CGI form, and because Arnie isn't really in it, it's automatically a terrible Terminator movie.

Why You Should Hate It: While that logic isn't exactly wrong, Terminator Genisys also proved even Arnie's statuesque presence can't save an atrocious script.

But the real reason you should hate the fourth Terminator film? It's so intensely, embarrassingly humourless and boring.

The first two Terminator movies were girded by richly-drawn characters, intense action and a noted layer of dark humour, yet after Terminator 3 was criticised for being too silly - never forget the Elton John sunglasses - Salvation opted to go super, super grimdark.

Somehow driving even Christian Bale to give a stale performance in the role of John Connor, the film's bland, CGI-slathered action sequences and staggering lack of personality makes it a shockingly flat film despite it finally covering the future war that fans so desperately wanted to see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.