10 Things To Expect From Star Wars Celebration Orlando

8. A New Star Wars TV Show

Boba Fett

Ever since Marvel achieved huge success with its Netflix Cinematic Universe tie-ins, a lot of people have expected Disney to follow suit with Star Wars. Like the anthology films, a live action TV series would present an opportunity to cover new ground with the license, exploring new parts of the universe, outside of the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, and the Skywalker family.

While no concrete details have been revealed as to what such a series might entail, and negotiations between Disney and ABC seem to have gone somewhat cold with regard to its production, we may yet see more information divulged about the existence of a live action Star Wars TV show.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Disney-ABC Television President Ben Sherwood attributed this slowed progress to the main series and anthology movies currently in production: "Somewhere we hope in a galaxy not too far away there will be a television show that will air on one of our networks. But I wouldn’t get anybody’s hopes up too high. They have a lot of movies to make between now and then."

Star Wars: Underworld, an ill-fated live action series overseen by George Lucas was in production between 2005 and 2010, but after five years of development hell, it’s unlikely that the project will ever see the light of day, and has been all but canned following Disney’s Lucasfilm buyout.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.