10 Video Game Movies That Were Better Than You Think

1. Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time

princeofpersianewwide-600x300Budget: $200 million Box Office: $330 million Prince of Persia was exactly what it was supposed to be. A big-budget Jerry Brockheimer production that rakes in cash. It made back its budget, and then some, putting its pull up there with the likes of Tomb Raider and the uber successful Resident Evil series. Sure most of us didn't picture Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan when we cast the film in our heads, but he was the right person to cast to attract the masses; which is what this film was all about. The acting overall isn't great, but I'll watch just about anything Ben Kingsley is in. (yes, that means I saw "The Love Guru," don't remind me.) The film isn't that bad. You get two hours of an entertaining summer film loaded with elaborate set pieces and a simplistic story that will allow you to relax and shut your brain off for a while.

Anthony is an avid gamer and independent film maker who thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the video game and film industries.