10 Video Game Movies That Were Better Than You Think

2. Company Of Heroes

company of heroes I wish I knew how many people saw Company of Heroes and didn't know it was based off a video game. The producers of the film probably thought they could double dip by attracting fans of the game and fans of the war movie genre. Like most WWII films, Company of Heroes is about an group of US soldiers who find out about Hitler's plans for world domination and try to stop it. There really isn't more to it. And while the story is generic, what really could have helped it is something that most war films gets...money. This was a direct-to-DVD film was given the short end of the stick. The money didn't even have to go to the actors, they were serviceable. It needed to go to the special effects. The CGI is below average and lowers the quality of the film dramatically. On the upside, the first act of the film is solid. It becomes hit or miss as the movie goes on, but it contains some decent action scenes. If you're a fan of the film genre, give it a shot; just don't go in to the film hoping for accurate historical representations of anything.

Anthony is an avid gamer and independent film maker who thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the video game and film industries.