12 Brilliant Movie Scenes When Actors Weren't Acting

7. The Chestburster - Alien

Alien Chestburster
20th Century Fox

Somewhat famously, Alien's visceral moments were at least partly the result of Ridley Scott's commitment to getting real reactions - a currency that really helps make horror films.

Throughout the film, he employed multiple techniques: allowing Veronica Cartwright to slap Sigourney Weaver for real, using a caged dog to terrify Jones The Cat and not allowing Bolaji Badejo (the man in the Alien suit) to socialise with the rest of the cast.

Most famously of all, the details of chestburster scene was deliberately guarded from the cast - sure, they knew it was coming - but they weren't told the specifics, so they were naturally horrified. On top of that, Cartwright wasn't told she was going to be sprayed with blood (which was actually real blood), and her reaction is delightfully, awfully real.

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