13 Crucial Death Scenes Ruined By Terrible Acting

4. "Oh My Gooooooooood" - Troll 2

The Scene: Arnold (Darren Ewing) and a girl he encounters end up in a chapel after being chased by goblins, where they meet the evil Druid Creedence Leonore Gielgud. The girl drinks a potion given to her by Creedence, and immediately begins puking up green vegetable bile all over the place. She crawls up the stairs and her skin starts melting off into green veggie gunk, and before you know it, she's completely dissolved. A gang of goblins (because there actually aren't any trolls in this movie) arrive and begin devouring the girl, as Arnold quips, "They're eating her...and then they're going to eat me. Oh my goooooooood", and the camera dramatically zooms in. Why It Sucks: In the general scope of cinema, there's no way this death scene can be called "crucial", but in terms of the movie itself, it's the turning point at which s*** starts going down, and it becomes clear that the eerie warnings about the town of Nilbog (that's "goblin" backwards, folks!) are definitely true. Sure, the direction, effects and writing are all hilariously abominable, but it's Ewing's outrageously bad performance which seals the deal: his line delivery is terrifically awful, and without it, the movie surely wouldn't enjoy the cult success it does 25 years on. So, he ruined the scene, but he also kinda saved it (and the movie) in a sense. Also, who can't laugh at that fly on his forehead?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.