13 Incredible Looking Comic Book Movie Characters (That Actually Sucked)

11. Cyclops - X-Men

Cyclops James Marsden

Played By: James Marsden

Some will tell you that the decision to use understated black costumes for the X-Men in Bryan Singer's movies was a betrayal of the comic book characters, but the costumes in the comics were a little ridiculous, to be honest and no amount of wishing Wolverine was in yellow spandex would make it anything but horribly goofy.

Of those black-clad heroes, James Marsden's Cyclops looked the coolest (and rightly so, since he was the villain), thanks to his iconic visor that mercifully wasn't tampered with. Combining that with Marsden's all-American good looks made for a great look.

Sadly, Singer transformed Cyclops from a regal leader into a jealous jock in the interest of pushign Wolverine as the real main guy, and he came off as spiteful, entitled and prissy. And when he died, not a single tear was shed as a direct result of that.

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