5 Villains Who’d Have To Be In A ThunderCats Movie

2. Slithe

Slithe Slithe (also sometimes known as S-S-Slithe) completes the trio of Mutants who serve the ThunderCats' lead villain. He is generally depicted as being the Mutant in charge when the trio of him, Jackalman and Monkian are out and about doing evil things. Slithe is a reptilian humanoid who, unlike Jackalman and Monkian, significantly differs in appearance from fellow members of his own race - he has larger ears and is generally a lot stockier than the other reptilian mutants, which conveys his authority quite well. He's a decent fighter and wields a battle-axe in combat, but he's not afraid of using his own strength - possessing powerful arms and a strong, muscular tail which he can swing to knock his opponent off their feet. Slithe is generally well-liked by his fellow mutants, despite the fact that he has a very dry, sarcastic wit that is often used to put them down and demean or belittle them. If the Mutants are to appear in a live action movie, their leader would have to be the first name in the script.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.