50 Greatest James Bond Moments Of All Time

1. From Russia With Love: The Train Fight

The Spy Who Loved Me

And finally, in spite of the ludicrous number of brilliant scenes that the James Bond series has delivered over the decades, there can only be one winner: From Russia with Love's train fight scene, which is true cinematic perfection.

A virtually perfect fight scene between Bond and the all-time greatest Bond henchman, Red Grant (Robert Shaw) - who is more than a match for Bond - this visceral, ferocious and masterfully executed set-piece is exhilarating and gripping no matter how many times you watch it.

It's also another moment that's aged unbelievably well over the decades, as well as a wonderful summary of the brutal intensity and thrilling escapism that has made James Bond one of the most beloved, enduring franchises of them all.

So yes, this is quite arguably the best James Bond scene ever and it is so, so hard to imagine the franchise ever topping it. But then again, this is a franchise that is constantly giving viewers incredible movie moments, so never say never.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.