9 Movie Heroes Who Stupidly Turned Evil For The Sequel

4. Luc Deveraux– Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning

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Magnet Releasing

If there was some kind of award for a franchise with the biggest split personality, it would surely go to the Universal Soldier series; the first movie was a fun but silly shoot ‘em up, the second is arguably the worst movie of Van Damme’s career, the third is an intense, serious action romp and Day Of Reckoning is like the unholy love child of Lost Highway and The Raid.

In this final entry Van Damme’s resurrected soldier has seemingly gone insane; he models himself after Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now and is building an army of unhinged Universal Soldier’s for some unexplained reason. While the movie has some amazing action and great cinematography, the story is a little hard to grasp, and Van Damme’s leap from the naive hero of the original to the broken mess of the fourth outing is a little jarring.

Add the fact he barely has ten minutes of screentime throughout and its fair to say fans were disappointed, but they’ll at least have to admit it’s an interesting break from sequel formula.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.