9 Movie Prequels That Revealed Genuine Surprises

3. The Leads Die In The Plane Crash From The Original - Final Destination 5

First Class Crippled
Warner Bros.

Final Destination 5 has no business being good. It’s the fifth entry in a franchise that ran out of stream during part three, but thanks to a playful script and great set-pieces it feels like one of the best entries.

Unfortunately, the lead characters of each entry are basically doomed from the start, so it’s no surprise the heroes of part five don’t make it either. It how they meet their doom that’s clever, with the ending revealing it was a prequel all along. The two lovers board a plane only to see the survivors of the original being thrown off, and shortly after takeoff the aircraft explodes in midair.

It’s a bleak twist, though the movie’s twisted sense of humour keeps it from being too grim. In fact, the final scene has the last survivor - who just realises he might not be safe after all - being crushed by falling wreckage from the plane; it may as well come with a rimshot.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.